
Hiding conversation bot of different websites

  • 21 July 2022
  • 3 replies


Hello there!

So me and my team are supporting few different websites.

We will have the chat widget branded for the each site, and we want to have different bots on each website.

As the conversation bot is using topics and the topics are shared if the language is the same, I cannot seem to figure out a way to make different bots for the different websites.

Is there a way to trigger bots or bot flows based on site id or is there any other way for me to achieve what we need?

3 replies

To hide conversation bots on different websites, you can use browser extensions or ad blockers like uBlock Origin to block chat widgets.

Alternatively, you can disable JavaScript in your browser settings to prevent chatbots from loading. Some websites may also have a "Hide" or "Close" button for their chatbots check my website EducaToroid.

To have different bots for different websites while using shared topics, you can consider implementing a conditional logic in your chat widget based on the site ID or other relevant parameters. Here's a high-level approach:

1. **Identify the Website**: When a user interacts with the chat widget on a specific website, you need to capture the site ID or any other unique identifier for that website.

2. **Conditional Routing**: Implement conditional routing logic in your chat widget or backend system. This logic should determine the website a user is on based on the captured identifier (site ID).

3. **Load Appropriate Bot**: Based on the identified website, load the corresponding bot or bot flow. You may need to dynamically set the bot ID or trigger the appropriate bot flow within your chat widget.

4. **Shared Topics**: Ensure that the topics used in your bots are still shared across all websites with the same language, as you mentioned. However, each bot's behavior and responses can be customized based on the website by using conditional statements within the bot's logic.

Here's a simplified example in JavaScript:

// Identify the website (replace this with your actual logic)
const siteId = identifyWebsite(); 

// Load the appropriate bot or bot flow
let botId;

if (siteId === 'site1') {
  botId = 'botForSite1';
} else if (siteId === 'site2') {
  botId = 'botForSite2';
} else {
  botId = 'defaultBot'; // Handle cases where the site ID doesn't match any known websites

// Trigger the bot with the identified botId

This way, you can have different bots or bot flows for each website while still benefiting from shared topics for language consistency. Adjust the code and logic to match your specific implementation and technology stack.

Managing different chat bots for various websites with unique branding is certainly a challenge. To address your concern about sharing topics when the language is the same.

One approach could be to use conditional logic within your bot flow based on the site ID. If your chat platform or bot framework supports dynamic routing or conditional triggers, you can create rules that check the site ID and then direct the conversation flow accordingly.

For example, within your bot's logic, you might implement something like:


plaintextCopy code

IF SiteID = 'Site1' THEN Trigger BotFlowForSite1 ELSE IF SiteID = 'Site2' THEN Trigger BotFlowForSite2 -- Add more conditions as needed for each site ELSE Trigger DefaultBotFlow

This way, you can customize the bot's behavior based on the site ID, ensuring that each website has its own distinct bot flow and branding. Make sure to check the documentation or capabilities of the platform you're using to confirm if such conditional triggers are supported.

Additionally, if the platform doesn't directly support this feature, you might consider using a backend service to intercept and route messages based on the site ID before they reach the bot. This adds an extra layer of customization and control.

Remember to test thoroughly to ensure that the implemented solution aligns with your specific requirements.
