This Sales and Marketing Village is all set to exude holiday cheer with product resources, AMAs, games and more. While this village might not come draped in jack-o-lanterns, spider webs, and costumes, there’s definitely a lot to expect tucked in. Here’s the lowdown → Day 1 - October 27 💬 Ask the (Product) Expert with @Srini :-) : Freshsales AND Freshmarketer ✅ Resource: Grow your Online Store with Freshworks 📣 Demo: Modern Views, Lists, Segments and Email Campaigns ✅ Resource: 5 nightmares that haunt sales people (and how to make them stop) ✍ Answers with Aish: Freshsales Tips Day 2 - October 28 📌 Freshsales Bootcamp: A series of videos to get you started with Freshsales ✅ Resource: Cart Abandonment Ebook 🎈 Game 2: Create your own madlib! ✍ Answers with Aish: Freshsales Tips As a part of the curated peer-to-peer learning experience, we hope to take this 2 day extravaganza to the next level, with your help! While we busy ourselves putting up the last minute decorations, and creating