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Dispatch'r not working with Service Request (Ticket)

  • August 16, 2017
  • 1 reply


we are currently trying to auto-create a change using a sevice request.

(by the way this would be a nice build in funktion)

Therefore i created a dispatch rule which triggers a webhook (new change) when the ticket subject or description contains my special tag.

The rule executes fine if I create an Incident,as Agent, but not if the ticket is raised via a Service Cataog - Service Request (which also creates a ticket)

any suggestions. 

For us it is essential to initiate Kind of "standard changes" by requestors via the Support Portal (as Service Request it would be Ok)

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Hello Hannes,

Hope you are doing well.

Ideally, we should be able to create a change by triggering a Webhook while creating a SR from the Service Catalog. We need to check the specifics of your configuration so that we can analyse the root cause behind this.

We shall convert this topic in to a ticket and we will get back to you with an update shortly!

Let me know if you need any clarification!

Many Thanks!