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How to Set Ticket Location from a Service Request

  • February 12, 2025
  • 4 replies

New FreshService admin here, so apologies if there’s a straightforward way to do this that I haven’t found yet.


We are using a Location field for a ticket (for the user to select the building they are located at) and we have also created a custom Location field on our Service Requests. These are both set to use the Asset Location as the Data Source (so essentially its a drop down with around 10 items).  When a new Service Request is submitted, we would like the selected Service Request Location to be stored into the Ticket Location (as we have made the Ticket Location a required field).


I’m trying to setup a Workflow for this for when the Service Request is added.  I don’t see a built in way to reference the custom fields in a Service Request, so it looks like a Web Request has to be used.  Is this correct?

Once I have the Service Request’s Location, how do I set the Ticket’s Location?   I tried to setup an Action using the “Set Location As” action, but it seems this wants a specific value (one of the 10 items defined in the data source).  Is there a way to set the location field to a dynamic value (that I’ve retrieved from a Web Request)?


Or, is there an easier way to do this than the path I am trying to go down?

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  • Apprentice
  • 2 replies
  • February 14, 2025

I’m just getting our system set up too so not an expert but this looks like the same scenario and might be helpful; 



If i understand your requirement correctly, then do in this way. 


Under Custom Objects - You have entered your Location details.

Then Get in to Custom Fields and Create a Entity called as Location and map it to Custom Object Location and make it visible on the ticket. 

Daniel Söderlund
Skilled Expert
kbates wrote:

New FreshService admin here, so apologies if there’s a straightforward way to do this that I haven’t found yet.


We are using a Location field for a ticket (for the user to select the building they are located at) and we have also created a custom Location field on our Service Requests. These are both set to use the Asset Location as the Data Source (so essentially its a drop down with around 10 items).  When a new Service Request is submitted, we would like the selected Service Request Location to be stored into the Ticket Location (as we have made the Ticket Location a required field).


I’m trying to setup a Workflow for this for when the Service Request is added.  I don’t see a built in way to reference the custom fields in a Service Request, so it looks like a Web Request has to be used.  Is this correct?

Once I have the Service Request’s Location, how do I set the Ticket’s Location?   I tried to setup an Action using the “Set Location As” action, but it seems this wants a specific value (one of the 10 items defined in the data source).  Is there a way to set the location field to a dynamic value (that I’ve retrieved from a Web Request)?


Or, is there an easier way to do this than the path I am trying to go down?

To get value from fields in a service items you first need to click on service item in the Placeholder menu. 
Then you need to search for the specific service item  and then you can access the field. No need to do a webrequest. 

The location field on tickets are based on the location db that is in Freshservice. 

You need add the location first to Freshservice and then you can set it.  It’s the asset management section. (yellow/orange) icones. 

If you have pro higher you can use a costume object as a drown down in the service item. 

You can have the values the requester going to select in a text field and location from the location db in another field in the custom object. 

In your automation you use the Read node to read the custom object and filter on the selected ID in the service item. 

Or just have a custom field in the ticket and add the value from the service item to it. 



Trevor Cooper
Top Contributor
  • Top Contributor
  • 12 replies
  • February 17, 2025

The issue you have is that when you try to create the action you are choosing to “Set custom field” your custom field is a drop down list so you are only given the options from that custom list, whereas if the custom field in your ticket is a text box it can be set as the result from a Custom Object reader node.

Annoyingly you can associate an asset with an incident, but you cannot associate an asset during a service request.  You can do a lookup of assets, but you can’t filter by belonging to the requester so this is a bit hit and miss.

Unfortunately I don’t believe you can mandate associating assets with incidents

Then in a workflow you should be able to have a reader node that pulls in information from assets filtering on the associated asset or the asset in the service request (not sure if you can do as 1 node or may need 2).

If you set your Location field in the ticket as text you could then set this based on your reader field.  However, we are back to square 1 due to the fact that doing a reader field from assets only lets you populate certain fields into a text field, which doesn’t include location.  You could create your custom field as a lookup of locations, but again you cannot use the reader field to populate it.

Annoyingly you can set the impacted Locations field which is part of major incident management using a reader field from assets and the asset location, but I can’t figure out how to set any other field using it.  Not without using API calls at least.


Sorry the above doesn’t give you a full solution, but hopefully it may help if you are raising this with support.



