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Set Departments visibility in Service Requests as well as for Incident

  • September 24, 2022
  • 4 replies


Hi Freshworks community,

I need your help.

My customer wants to assign Departments for each open service request to calculate cost centers.

Below is an example:

If I am anManager and belong to multiple departments (HR and IT) I can open an Incident and in the Deparment field I can select which Department I am making the request for.

The same thing the customer would want for Service Requests, e.g., for which department do you want to request a new Laptop?

The problem is that in the Service Request form if I create the Lookup Department field the requester can choose from all the departments in the company and not just from the two they are part of (HR and IT).

As you can see despite the fact the requester is assigned only to HR e IT Departments he can raise a service request even for Customer Support.

How can I limit the visibility to only the departments he is a part of as is the case in the Incident form?

Please help me

Thanks in advance

Have a great day

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  • September 26, 2022

Hello @luca.ciaraffo I am not aware of an easy built in way of doing this. The data sourced dropdown fields are simply look up fields giving you access to any and all data that falls under that source. Perhaps @daniel.soderlund, @ggallaway, @keefe.andrews or @sanofar.allahpichai have an idea. I don’t think custom objects would work, no way to introduce a conditional. You might be able to use Business rules for forms but it would be a lengthy setup. I might just be missing something so hopefully those I have tagged might have a better way of implementing this request. If not then we definitely need a way to do so, so be sure to add it as an idea here so we can vote on it.

Good luck!

Daniel Söderlund
Skilled Expert



Business rules, one for each department per service item. 



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  • September 26, 2022

Hi Daniel thank you for your suggestion!

I thought the same thing at first but the client is a Facility company and for him Departments are cost centers (Internal but also every contract is a department). This means hundreds of departments...impossible to maintain and manage (dozens of Service requests multiplied by hundreds of departments).
I honestly do not understand why the logic that currently exists in the incident module (automatically the requester can select from the departments he is a part of) cannot be replicated on service requests...

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  • September 26, 2022
zachary.king wrote:

Hello @luca.ciaraffo I am not aware of an easy built in way of doing this. The data sourced dropdown fields are simply look up fields giving you access to any and all data that falls under that source. Perhaps @daniel.soderlund@ggallaway@keefe.andrews or @sanofar.allahpichai have an idea. I don’t think custom objects would work, no way to introduce a conditional. You might be able to use Business rules for forms but it would be a lengthy setup. I might just be missing something so hopefully those I have tagged might have a better way of implementing this request. If not then we definitely need a way to do so, so be sure to add it as an idea here so we can vote on it.

Good luck!

Thank you very much Zachary. Maybe i found a workaround using custom objects. Let me make a couple of test and in case i’ll share the process!
