Is there a way to disable CAPTCHA for agent logins?

  • 11 November 2019
  • 2 replies


Every time we have an agent log in, they're prompted with quite an extensive CAPTCHA. That is, it asks for selection of items around 5-7 times before confirming that agent is not a robot. It does this every time they log in, regardless of whether they're using a PC or mobile.

How do we shut this off? I understand that it's for security reasons but it's starting to become quite frustrating having to do so many of these every single time we're working on tickets.

Thanks, everyone!

2 replies

Yeah, we have the same issue! It's annoying that we have irregularly to take the captcha when we're logging in.

I also find it a bit unnecessary to select on the login-screen "You're an agent? Click here" to get redirected to another login-screen.

Badge +7

To avoid captcha, the easiest is to wiggle the mouse around a bit. Then captcha is less likely. But agree it is sometimes a nuisance.
