How to better navigate our canned responses
Our customer support team has grown significantly in the past year, and with this bigger team, we are starting to notice some serious problems with how FD handles canned responses. Our C.R. database has become pretty big, and finding the right one has become increasingly difficult. It's not practical to try to scan through all the CR's in a given category, so we have to use the text search field, which is very problematic. Here's an example: We have a CR named "How do I use my activation code?" If I enter that exact text into the search field, I'll get a long list of CR's, and the correct one is the ninth on on the list! Most of the search results don't even contain most of the words in my search term, even if it put it in quotations marks! Right now, to train new support staff, we have no choice but to tell them that they have to simply memorize the which search terms will produce each CR, which obviously will not be sustainable as our company grows. There doesn't seem to be any logic