Spotlight #4 - Execute actions with a click using Scenario Automation
Many times, you would’ve come across a scenario where you would want to update information or perform a specific set of activities when you receive a certain type of ticket. It can be anything from adding a specific note for the others in the team, setting a specific priority or urgency, set an approval stage, or even add an agent or an admin as a watcher, etc. Scenarios like this happen several times during the day and performing them manually can be a little monotonous. If you’re thinking about workflow automator, I wouldn’t say it is wrong. All the aforementioned scenarios can be tackled through workflows. But, workflows get executed for all events whenever the conditions match. Also, I would personally prefer saving workflows for more complex tasks like ticket sorting, setting up an internal approval process, etc. If you ask me what am I getting at, my answer is “Scenario Automations” Scenario automation is a feature that allows you to perform a simple action or a bunch of actions