I have been spending some time on the asset management part of FreshService as I would really like to use this as my asset database and service catalogue. Using the probe to scan and update asset data looks to be working well and I can see that pretty much all the info I would like on my assets is present. However, I’m struggling with getting a view of the data that is usable to me. Is there any way to get a view or a CSV export that would list all assets (or a filtered sub-set) and list all data associated with that asset? For example, list the make/model, hardware, OS, installed software + version, relationships, serial numbers, associated contracts, custom fields etc etc? I only seem able to get subsets of information and can’t get a whole view. How do you interact and view the asset data? Any tricks or functionality that I’m missing? I’d really like to start using the asset database as the source of truth for the environment but without a way to get the data into a useful view its