Transferring attachments from the API We’re trying to create sub-tickets (*not actual “Child Tickets*) via an API call, but we need to be able to transfer attachments from the main ticket to them (they generally only have one attachment). When I attempt to put the attachment section from the JSON of the parent ticket into the creation payload, I get a Validation Failed on attachments field of datatype_mismatch with message “It should be of type valid file format”. Here’s the payload I’m putting into my POST to /api/v2/tickets {"email": "","status": 2,"priority": 1,"source": 1,"subject": "Child Vaya Onboarding Test","description": "This is a test to Business Apps. Please refer to the parent ticket for attachments.","workspace_id": 2,"group_id": 23000165356, "attachments": [ { "id": 23005786611, "content_type": "application/octet-stream", "size": 1306, "name": "EMP--2024_01_18.csv", "attachment_url": "